


实际应用中协程的启动、退出可能会比较频繁,runtime必须要做点什么来保证启动、销毁协程的代价尽量小。而申请、释放stack空间所需内存则是一个比较大的开销,因此,go runtime采用了stack cache pool来缓存一定数量的stack memory。申请时从stack cache pool分配,释放时首先归还给stack cache pool。


stack cache pool的主要思想是按照固定大小划分成多级:每级别其实是一个空闲stack队列:最小的stack size是_FixedStack=2KB。级别之间的大小按照2倍的关系递增。

同时为了效率考虑,除了全局的stack cache pool外,每个线程m还有自己的stack cache。这样,线程在分配的时候可以优先从自己的stack cache中查找,提高效率。

初始时,stack cache pool为空:当有stack分配需求时,首先向os申请一块较大的内存,将其按照该级别的stack大小切割后放在空闲stack列表上,然后再从该空闲stack列表上分配。主要结构如下:


type mspan struct {
        next     *mspan    // in a span linked list
        prev     *mspan    // in a span linked list
        start    pageID    // starting page number
        npages   uintptr   // number of pages in span
        freelist gclinkptr // list of free objects
        // sweep generation:
        // if sweepgen == h->sweepgen - 2, the span needs sweeping
        // if sweepgen == h->sweepgen - 1, the span is currently being swept
        // if sweepgen == h->sweepgen, the span is swept and ready to use
        // h->sweepgen is incremented by 2 after every GC

        sweepgen    uint32
        divMul      uint32   // for divide by elemsize - divMagic.mul
        ref         uint16   // capacity - number of objects in freelist
        sizeclass   uint8    // size class
        incache     bool     // being used by an mcache
        state       uint8    // mspaninuse etc
        needzero    uint8    // needs to be zeroed before allocation
        divShift    uint8    // for divide by elemsize - divMagic.shift
        divShift2   uint8    // for divide by elemsize - divMagic.shift2
        elemsize    uintptr  // computed from sizeclass or from npages
        unusedsince int64    // first time spotted by gc in mspanfree state
        npreleased  uintptr  // number of pages released to the os
        limit       uintptr  // end of data in span
        speciallock mutex    // guards specials list
        specials    *special // linked list of special records sorted by offset.
        baseMask    uintptr  // if non-0, elemsize is a power of 2, & this will get object allocation base


var stackpoolmu mutex  
var stackpool [_NumStackOrders]mspan



go程序在启动时首先会执行go runtime的初始化,此时会调用stackinit()来初始化stack cache pool。

func stackinit() {
        if _StackCacheSize&_PageMask != 0 {
                throw("cache size must be a multiple of page size")
        for i := range stackpool {

初始化做的事情非常简单:初始化每个stack size级别的链表为空即可。

stackalloc(n uint32)

func stackalloc(n uint32) (stack, []stkbar) {

        if stackCache != 0 && n < _FixedStack<<_NumStackOrders && n < _StackCacheSize {
                order := uint8(0)
                n2 := n
                for n2 > _FixedStack {
                        n2 >>= 1
                var x gclinkptr
                c := thisg.m.mcache
                if c == nil || thisg.m.preemptoff != "" || thisg.m.helpgc != 0 {
                        // 线程本地stack cache为空
                        // 直接从全局stack cache pool分配
                        x = stackpoolalloc(order)
                } else {
                        // 直接从线程本地缓存分配
                        x = c.stackcache[order].list
                        if x.ptr() == nil {
                                // 如果线程本地分配完,则从全局stack cache pool分配一批给线程
                                // 再从线程的local stack cache分配
                                stackcacherefill(c, order)
                                x = c.stackcache[order].list
                        c.stackcache[order].list = x.ptr().next
                        c.stackcache[order].size -= uintptr(n)
                v = (unsafe.Pointer)(x)
        } else {
                s := mHeap_AllocStack(&mheap_, round(uintptr(n), _PageSize)>>_PageShift)
                if s == nil {
                        throw("out of memory")
                v = (unsafe.Pointer)(s.start << _PageShift)


  1. 如果线程m的local stack cache为空,则直接从全局的stack cache pool中分配;
  2. 否则先从线程的local stack cache中分配,如果无法分配除,则需要先给线程分配出一批stack,赋给该线程,再从线程local stack cache中再分配。

stackpoolalloc(order uint8)

// Allocates a stack from the free pool.  Must be called with
// stackpoolmu held.
func stackpoolalloc(order uint8) gclinkptr {
        list := &stackpool[order]
        s :=
        // 如果该队列为空了,需要向heap管理模块再申请
        // 分配的结果为一个mspan结构
        if s == list {
                s = mHeap_AllocStack(&mheap_, _StackCacheSize>>_PageShift)
                if s == nil {
                        throw("out of memory")
                if s.ref != 0 {
                        throw("bad ref")
                if s.freelist.ptr() != nil {
                        throw("bad freelist")
                // 将申请得到的空间mspan按照该级别的stack大小拆分成多项(gclinkptr)并添加到mspan的空闲链表(mspan.freelist)中
                for i := uintptr(0); i < _StackCacheSize; i += _FixedStack << order {
                        x := gclinkptr(uintptr(s.start)<<_PageShift + i)
                        x.ptr().next = s.freelist
                        s.freelist = x
                // 将分配的mspan插入到pool的空闲span链表
                mSpanList_Insert(list, s)
        x := s.freelist
        if x.ptr() == nil {
                throw("span has no free stacks")
        s.freelist = x.ptr().next
        // 如果分配导致s(mspan)的空闲链表变空
        // 将其从pool的空闲span链表中摘除
        if s.freelist.ptr() == nil {
                // all stacks in s are allocated.
        return x

分配后的系统stack cache pool结构如下:


func stackfree(stk stack, n uintptr) {

        if stackCache != 0 && n < _FixedStack<<_NumStackOrders && n < _StackCacheSize {
                order := uint8(0)
                n2 := n
                for n2 > _FixedStack {
                        n2 >>= 1
                x := gclinkptr(v)
                c := gp.m.mcache
                // 如果禁用了m local stack cache,直接归还至全局stack cache pool
                if c == nil || gp.m.preemptoff != "" || gp.m.helpgc != 0 {
                        stackpoolfree(x, order)
                } else {
                // 如果m的local stack cache超标
                // 先归还一部分(一半)至全局stack cache pool
                if c.stackcache[order].size >= _StackCacheSize {
                                stackcacherelease(c, order)
                        x.ptr().next = c.stackcache[order].list
                        c.stackcache[order].list = x
                        c.stackcache[order].size += n
        // 直接归还,暂时不考虑        
        } else {
                s := mHeap_Lookup(&mheap_, v)
                if s.state != _MSpanStack {
                        println(hex(s.start<<_PageShift), v)
                        throw("bad span state")
                if gcphase == _GCoff {
                        // Free the stack immediately if we're
                        // sweeping.
                        mHeap_FreeStack(&mheap_, s)
                } else {
                        // Otherwise, add it to a list of stack spans
                        // to be freed at the end of GC.
                        // TODO(austin): Make it possible to re-use
                        // these spans as stacks, like we do for small
                        // stack spans. (See issue #11466.)
                        mSpanList_Insert(&stackFreeQueue, s)


// Adds stack x to the free pool.  Must be called with stackpoolmu held.
func stackpoolfree(x gclinkptr, order uint8) {
        // 查找该x所属的mspan
        s := mHeap_Lookup(&mheap_, (unsafe.Pointer)(x))
        if s.state != _MSpanStack {
                throw("freeing stack not in a stack span")
        // 如果s之前的freelist为空,已经从pool的空闲span链表中摘除
        // 现在归还了,说明有空闲空间了,将其重新添加到pool的空闲span链表中
        if s.freelist.ptr() == nil {
                mSpanList_Insert(&stackpool[order], s)
        x.ptr().next = s.freelist
        s.freelist = x
        // s.ref==0说明span的freelist所有栈空间全部被释放
        // 此时就可以将该span的空间释放
        if gcphase == _GCoff && s.ref == 0 {
                // Span is completely free. Return it to the heap
                // immediately if we're sweeping.
                // If GC is active, we delay the free until the end of
                // GC to avoid the following type of situation:
                // 1) GC starts, scans a SudoG but does not yet mark the SudoG.elem pointer
                // 2) The stack that pointer points to is copied
                // 3) The old stack is freed
                // 4) The containing span is marked free
                // 5) GC attempts to mark the SudoG.elem pointer. The
                //    marking fails because the pointer looks like a
                //    pointer into a free span.
                // By not freeing, we prevent step #4 until GC is done.
                s.freelist = 0
                mHeap_FreeStack(&mheap_, s)

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